Sacre Coeur
I love this shot. The colour grain in the terrazzo floor is great, as is the article of clothing on the ledge at Mary's feet. The lack of reverence is unbeleivably endearing.
I've been having a tough time with too much yellow in my shots. Yellow that wouldn't go away. I was experimenting with the tungsten white balance setting here, which gives everything a bluish cast. I also switched to the Adobe RGB colour profile, which is what the Post's production department works with. The sRGB may have been part of the problem.
It's as though the Rapture had happened just before you took the shot, and you caught all that was left of the faithful. Or, maybe the faithful are some hybrid breed of vampires whose bodies won't show up in photographs.
Excellent shot no matter the circumstances.
Thanks Matt. Religious iconography is turning up all over the place in my photography. I'm not as creeped out by it as I used to be. In fact, I now find it very benign and peaceful, almost "humorous." Being married to the almost-Sister Philipa doubtless has something to do with that.
The Dr. Scholls Deity.
This is an image that would make a sterling album cover.
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