Bowl of Spoons
Canon EOS 20D
Working through what is likely the first real and sustained case of writer's block I've ever experienced. I have very little confidence in what I'm writing. I think it stems from a rejection letter I received from a small Canadian publisher--a rejection that said my work was expository and chatty. I tried to shrug it off as one publisher's narrow opinion, but couldn't shake the jolt it had on my confidence. I started to second guess everything I was writing: Maybe it is too expository and chatty? Though a few friends have said it's the expository and chatty nature of my poetry that makes it stand out and work. Then I started to see the rejection letter as a challenge: Maybe it is time for me to explore new forms, tones, styles, etc. with my poetry? So I got into some of the more complex rhyming schemes and forms of Paul Muldoon, revisited Hopkins, Auden, Ted Hughes. Now, I'm looking at the few poems I laboured over int he past 10 days or so, and I'm thinking: They'd probably be better poems if I wrote them the way I write not the way I'm trying to write.
Needless to say, thank God for cameras. This particular shot is from a used appliance store window on Wyandotte St. E.
Expository and chatty - that's a GOOD thing.
I once got a rejection lettter that said my writing was pithy. After I looked up the word pithy, I realized I couldn't argue with that, and continued to churn out pith, because it turns out, pithy is what people cut out of magazines and hang on their fridge. And I'm okay with that.
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