Monday, May 14, 2007

Black Diamond

Canon EX Auto
Another photo taken by my father. This one, circa 1979, on a ski lift scaling Mont Tremblant, Quebec. I've been going through boxes of old family photos. I remember this shot--it fascinated me as a child. The ominous purple sky, the freakish corpuscular whiteness of the trees. My parents talked about this particular trip often--the depth of the snow, the spectacular storms, the scenery.
The photos itself is a 5 x 3.5 on Kodak paper with rounded corners. It's not in great shape. The whiteness of the trees has yellowed significantly (it may never have been a very good white) and, as can be seen, there are lots of scratches and fingerprints. But I rather like the "found photo" look. Like something from a Pavement or Califone album sleeve.


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