Wednesday, January 11, 2006


photosmart 735
My beloved K1000. It's nearly as old as I am. I bought it used in a pawn shop for $500 (shows you how well they retain their value), and it served me well for over five years as a photojournalist, working freelance as well as for a major daily newspaper. I even garnered some award nominations shooting with the venerable Pentax K1000.

Ironically, this photo was taken with an HP photosmart 735 digital. A handy little thing. Even more irony: after years of swearing I would never stray from my K1000 and 35mm film, I just dropped a tonne of money into a Canon 20D digital.

Has the Pentax been put out to pasture? Well, not forever. I'll break it back out some day. The romance with film is not over. But right now, I'm just having too much fun with the 20D.

glasspoeme, then, will primarily be a photoblog. It will also be a literary blog. A blog dedicated to poetry, fiction, underground/indie music, films and interesting people.